Thursday, June 3, 2010


Two of these things are really awesome and one is in the sarcastic sense:

A1. Allie brought in a bazillion toys for Show and Tell last week, two "hand-uh pones" (green and orange) being among them. Top was playing with the orange one and offered Aden the green one, but Aden wanted the orange one and threw a hissy fit. Top wouldn't share and I didn't make him; I should've just taken both phones away, but I figure they'd work it out. Aden wasn't happy and started sucking his face in like an old man (he does it when he's angry or getting scolded; I'll have to take some pictures of this as it's probably the most hilarious thing, ever), but then he asked for a sheet of paper and I'm thinking, Alright, he's over this phone business. But, no:
Anger management issues much? Awesome.

B2. I bit into the granola bar I bought yesterday and I thought, Hmm... this tastes fishy - that's weird. I looked down, and what do I see? Little sardine-ish fishies syruped into the nuts and grains. Not tasty. Last time I checked fish were not a granola-friendly ingredient, at least not in my book. I'm scarred. Awesome.

C3. Last week in the playroom, Willie runs up to me all excited like he's ready to tell me the most amazing thing, ever, and he sputters out something about Danny and Roy. He's smiling, so he's not tattling on them. I'm confused. I ask him to repeat and he says, "Danny or Roy is breaking the wind!" Then he starts to run away, and I say, "Wait - Willie. Like pthbth [fart noise]?" And he laughs hysterically and says, "Yes!" Who says "breaking wind" these days? Awesome.

Addition to the awesome-ness: Aden is always in a good mood at the beginning of the week and he'll come up and squeeze my face and put his face real close to mine and then blink his long eyelashes on my nose or cheeks. It's the weirdest and cutest thing, ever, and it gives me the giggles.

Things aren't so good at work right now - I won't go into details - and I'm actually quite stressed about the politics of the place. For a brief moment in time I really wanted to quit, but then my kids ran up to me this morning and attacked my legs/jumped up to pull down my arms for hugs or whatever, shouting "Kate Teacher! Kate Teacher!" [per usual]  and I couldn't bear the thought of leaving them before my time was through. I only have three months left, and I don't quit things. This too shall pass, and if it doesn't, I always have the kids. They're pretty awesome.

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