Sunday, May 22, 2011

Don't Call

Whether it be to a lover or a brother, don't just call to say "I love you." It's not as good of an idea as Mr. Wonder makes it out to be.

Case in point. A couple of months ago I was really missing my brother and wanting to talk to him, but I was getting ready to meet friends and run off into some adventure so I didn't have a lot of time. Screw it! I thought as I dialed his number, I'll make it quick.

Ringring! Ringring!

Hey, brother!
I love you.
Okay... [pause]
I just wanted to call and tell you. That's all.
Is everything okay?
Yeah! I just miss you, and I wanted you to know.
Alright... Thanks? ...Are you sure everything is okay?
Yeah. But I have to go right now, so we can talk later.
Be careful.
I love you!
...I love you, too...

What a big brother, huh? I mean that in the best way. Also, in retrospect, it is probably very strange to receive a call from a loved one who has nothing more to say than "I love you." Stevie Wonder is a bad man for setting those wheels in motion, confusing and frightening loved ones across the world.

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