Monday, November 23, 2009

they're just little babies...

To help prove that point, Arthur pooped his pants today. I know; poor little guy. It was after lunch, during art, when I first noticed the smell; I thought Roy was just gassy - he usually is. Then, art was over and it was time to sit on the mat and read some stories. I went to the library to grab some books since the C's rearranged everyone's schedules and we're all overlapped in communal rooms, and when I came back all the kids were over on the mat, except Arthur. I asked him to join us, but he just stood next to the table, shrugging his shoulders and smiling awkwardly. I went over to him and crouched down, "Hey, Arthur buddy. Are you okay?" and it looked like he was tearing up. I noticed he had rice all over his shirt and asked him if he wanted to change his shirt, then there was the smell again. "Oh, Arthur. It's okay." Pause; he looked down. "Do you need to go to the bathroom?" Nothing. "Did you have an accident?" I think there was mumbling of a "yes," but maybe he doesn't even know what "accident" is. I called down to the front desk and told them I thought Arthur had an accident and Sunny came up to take care of him. Poor kid. I was surprised that this is the first time anything like this has happened, me teaching for three months, and them being little babies and all... oohhh.

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