Wednesday, December 9, 2009

'The Lion' Has Evolved

I can't remember if I started writing about the evolution of the Lion during playroom time, or not... There were a couple weeks when I wouldn't start Lion-ing it up right away and the kids would forget about me and play anyway, then someone would notice and me out, "Lion! Kate Teacher! Lion!" (around the time I started nodding off - I know! Not a good supervisor!) and I'd [shake off the sleep] pretend that I didn't want to play, only to spring up when they weren't looking and roar at 'em. One day we were sharing the playroom with another class, and some of those kids were being dinosaurs, so naturally, my kids wanted to be dinosaurs - so there were lions and dinosaurs! A few days after that, a few of my kids would ask me to be the lion, but some wanted me to be a dinosaur, so I became LIONASAUR!! They loved it. Then we started learning about farm animals and wild animals, and soon there were lions, dinosaurs, sharks, tigers, gorillas - anything that roared or was seemingly scary. Then one day we read a story about dragons, so dragons showed up in the playroom. Not only was the dragon loud, but he also had a new weapon of breathing fire (Alex would call out, "Me dragon." then he would run over to me and point to himself "Dragon, Kate Teacher." and point to his mouth, "Fire. Here." and then he would yell, "Fiyah!" in a kind of spray spitting roar). As the lion, I've gained multiple archenemies from the animal kingdom and mythical realm, including chomping sharks and spinning arms attacking dinosaurs; in addition to the already present Power Rangers, ninjas, and Batman/Superman/Spiderman combo of Alex, the weapons have evolved from "baow-baow" guns and "chang-chang" swords to squatting bombs and some sort of magic zapping power explosion... or something. My weapon is tickling, which isn't a really good weapon for me as it usually works against me because in tickling the kids, they get all spazzy and I usually (if not always) get kicked in the face. Kicking, pushing and hitting, on normal terms are NOT allowed in the playroom, or anywhere in LCI, or just ever - just an FYI, in case you were wondering.

I always look forward to what kinds of shenanigans will be pulled each day, but the playroom continues to be my favorite time of kindergarten. The time I don't have to pretend to be a serious teacher and most anything goes.

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