Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Show and Tell and Kisses

The kids have taken a liking to kissing lately. Kisses. Lots of kisses (there are still hugs, but the kisses have been piling up). I still haven't figured out why they're doing it; I haven't pegged it to a certain time of day yet, though I have noticed it during Show and Tell more than during the Theme book half hour. Maybe it's because they're more free to run around and they know that playroom time is next. They always yell "Thank you, Kate Teacher!" in joy when I announce it's time to go to playroom, like it's something we never do (though we do it the same time every day, for the most part).

But the kisses. They're cute, at first. Danny usually starts, then Olivia joins in and eventually Arthur comes over, Alex and Roy might be playing with my hair - really, now that I'm typing all this, I realize they're just doing this as a distraction technique. Maybe they think that if they can keep me laughing long enough that I'll skip Show and Tell, and Potato, and skip on over to the playroom. Nope. Sorry kids, but it isn't going to happen like that! So, yeah, maybe you're wondering about how I said the kisses start out cute, but confused by how they aren't cute the whole time my face is being covered in little kids spittle - oh. You just got it, yeah?

(the germs, oh the germs; I can feel the snot bubbling and receding with the breath on my skin.)

It's awful, and you can't just wipe away a kiss, no matter how sloppy it is, that person is bound to be offended - I assume the rule is the same for kids. GROSS! I don't want your slimey kiss! is what a wipe always seems to convey. And it's true, I don't; I also don't what whatever sort of cold/infection you have that's making your snot a dark green/brown - ewww! And I have to blow their noses, and I know where they're hands have been; when Danny giggles and covers my mouth with his hands, it takes everything for me not to vomit. Okay, I'm being a little dramatic, but the gross factor outweighs the cute factor in this day and age of killer airborne diseases and no sick day options... just saying. Yeah, I still can't help but laugh, but in the inside I'm hoping and praying I don't catch whatever they've got.


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