Thursday, September 16, 2010

Change of Plans.

Sorry I haven't been that good about updating these past few day; I've been busy!

This isn't going to be much of a post either because I'm going to go hop on a motorbike and relax at the waterfall, or something equally as awesome.

I was thinking that I wasn't going to be able to make it to Laos because I decided to go south and check out the islands and the Full Moon party (day-glo paint!) with some friends, but then I was talking to this American girl last night and she said "Go for it!" when I was saying how I wanted to do the Gibbon Experience (zip lining through the rainforest and staying in tree houses), so I am (that is if they get back to me and there are spaces available), and then I'll go south without getting dive certified because the party is on the 23rd and I need to make sure I can get a good room so I don't get robbed.

Everything is great! I am really enjoying my time in Pai, it's a very friendly environment, smiles on all of the faces you see sort of place. I'm a fan of Thailand.

Peace and love. I'll try to get a few posts before I leave this area, but we all know how that can sometimes go.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear! Excited to see pics of all your adventures! Glad you are going to Laos (hopefully). We met those Thai girls at the temple stay. You could have visited them, maybe, if you got their info. Oh, well. Shoulda, woulda...
    Waiting to hear about the folks you are meeting.


Have questions, comments, concerns? Want to live vicariously through me - where should I go; what should I see? YOU tell ME!!