Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lost Luggage :(

I am so sad right now, so sad. I hope this will pass, yes? I wish I wasn't at work right now because all I want to do is cry (I am anyway, so it doesn't really matter, but I'd like to sob). Stupid airline idiots lost my luggage. My luggage with my bedding, running shoes, teacher shoes, clothing, family mementos, make-up, who knows what else.... oh man. I wish I could go even further in the future and have my bag and just laugh about the mix-up and the stress that it's currently causing me. I mean, I know they're only things, but they're my things and they're 1/3rd of all I have in this place. It's only my second day and I'm already questioning my decision... I thought I was a stronger person than this, and that makes me sad. It's been a tiring day. AND MY JEWELRY!! All my favorites of favorites, and I had to pay $200 extra because my luggage was over-weight and they can't even keep my stuff straight. BOGUS!! Oh... man. This sucks. I need a hug. I want a hug. I wish I could get myself together and stop crying - I can't even go for a run because my shoes are in that stupid bag. DAMNIT!

Again, god bless these teacher-friends.

1 comment:

  1. Kate - Oh my goodness... I've been sitting at lunch listening to your mom share some of your adventures and not until just now when I checked out your blog did I realize who your mom is....and the connection! How fun! It will be soon when you'll have all your 'stuff' and you can relax and do what you are there to do. And it WILL be a grand adventure! You will come to mean so much to those little ones - and you have such a wonderful, infectious personality - they will love you to pieces! Good luck and I look forward to updates!

    Korine Miller (Amanda's mom!)


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