Friday, September 18, 2009

"Mary Got a Little Man"

During science today, Alex started singing a different version of "Mary had a little lamb," by changing the words to "Mary got a little man..." interesting take on an otherwise boring song. It took everything for me not to interrupt his angelic singing with giggles galore.

And that's what I have for you from school today. Also, the kids are becoming more comfortable with me... which is great and all, but today Alex grabbed my hand like he was going to hug it, then he kissed it and licked it and put my pointer finger in his mouth - YUCK!! These children have a surprising death grip and it's hard to wiggle away. And Olivia is really good at going limp when she doesn't want to do something... like today, since Danny was gone (kid went on a picnic instead'a coming to class... :( okay, fine then) she was infatuated with Eric and kept sitting in the same seat as him, so I had to physically move her... and my, stubborn children.

It's good.

It's Friday. Thank God!!

Rachel's parents are in town, so we're going to show them around and go to a norebang (literally: singing room) that has FREE ice cream!! -- I had my first ice cream (I love ice cream, PS. Every day.) in Korea last night, at Baskin Robbins, with Briana and Jennie, after octopus bibimbop (the tentacles/suckers were more than I wanted) and before we went to my first DVD bang (again, DVD room... usually frequented by young couples to escape for necking without parents around, because most people live with their parents until married around here... thanks, but no thanks). We rented "Taken" and MY! Liam Neeson is a badass!! He was killing people left and right, and not taking any names - totally the Bourne series, but with his dad. Yeah, so that was good. And then on Saturday, my friend Elaine is having a murder mystery birthday party, AKA LIVE CLUE!!! and I'm super excited - should be lots and lots of fun. Also, in talks with a dude from Seoul, hoping to buy a guitar... but dude isn't being very decisive about who he's going to sell to... so, we shall see.

Just gotta get through elementary and I'm OUTTA HERE!!!


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